Biden Is Not Pro-Union At All

Joe Campaigning / stingrayschuller / Flickr / April 30, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 /

Biden is known for making empty promises and false claims. He’s the kind of leader who’s never consistent with what he says.

Last year, the demo-rat was too bold to assure that:

Of course, none of these claims were true. We already had enough of this liberal who always says one thing and does the other.

There was even a time when Biden promised that he will be the “most pro-union president.”

In 2020, Biden spoke at Beaver Country Community College during his campaign. There were around 100 union workers gathered in the area who cheered and believed in the demo-rat.

Biden said, “In my White House, you’ll always be welcome. You’ll always be welcome. Labor will always be welcome. You know, you’ve heard me say many times: I intend to be the most pro-union president leading the most pro-union administration in American history.”

This February, it was reported that the Biden administration banned union workers and career workers from traveling to India. On the other hand, Biden allowed international travel for political appointees. It seems that the demo-rat failed to go by his word again. What happened to his promise of being “the most pro-union president?”

Even unions aren’t exempted from Biden’s bureaucratic double standards. Fox News confirmed that Biden did allow political appointees to travel to India. 

The Department of Justice Deputy Assistant Attorney General Arun Rao traveled to India in October 2021 to “strengthen law enforcement cooperation.”

While US Trade Representative Katherine Tai also traveled to India in October 2021. She met with “government officials and stakeholders” to strengthen trade relationships.

The administration’s decision to exempt political appointees triggered Judge of the US Court of International Trade Stephen Alexander Veden to share his thoughts about the matter. 

He believes that the Commerce Department needs to explain why it allowed senior administration officials to travel to India… but not union workers who have been sent to conduct verification visits.

Veden said that the government should at least clarify why the administration made that unfair decision. He said, “If the government maintains its position that verification remains impossible, [then] the government may explain in the record why it is safe for government officials with a statutory responsibility to travel privately to India on the discretionary visits of senior officials of the judiciary and cabinet.”

Then he added, “It is Commerce’s job to enforce these guarantees through the antidumping and countervailing duty statutes. Their responsibilities are thus complementary, but their travel standards clearly are not. It is apparently currently safe to conduct high-level negotiations but not safe to ensure the terms of those deals are actually enforced, despite the destinations being the same.”

After telling what people want to hear during Biden’s campaign of becoming the most pro-union president, it seems his actions fail to do what he claimed. What the demo-rat is doing right now is pure hypocrisy.

Looks like the Biden administration is all about nothing but controlling people. They will stop everyone… while doing the exact opposite in their own political regime.

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